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Every year the JSM event is organized by the “Département de Pharmacochimie Moléculaire” (DPM), a mixed unit CNRS / University Grenoble-Alpes (UMR 5063) created in 1999. It is located in the Chemistry Pole of UGA, in the heart of the East Campus of Grenoble, and is linked to the Pharmacy School. The activities of the laboratory are organized along two major axes: (1) Conception and synthesis of bioactive compounds with an emphasis on bioinspired molecules (COMET team), and (2) Physical chemistry of drugs and innovative methods for vectorization and analysis of bioactive molecules (NOVA team).
The Department of Molecular Pharmacochemistry UMR 5063, a public laboratory depending on the CNRS and the University of Grenoble Alpes (UFR of Pharmacy), organizes multidisciplinary scientific days dedicated to the drug.
The aim of the “Journée Scientifique du Médicament” (JSM) is to bring together specialists in various fields: synthesis of drug candidates, structure-activity relationship studies, pharmacochemistry, structural biology, imaging, vectorization, controlled release, toxicology, analysis... around a theme related to the drug.
This year, the 14th Scientific Day on Drugs will take place on June 12, 2025 in Grenoble on the theme:“Artificial Intelligence in Pharmaceutical Science”