Scientific Committee:
Dr. Sergei Grudinin (LJK)
Dr. Yung-Sing Wong (DPM)
Dr. Nelle Varoquaux (TIMC)
Dr. Kliment Olechnovič (LJK)
Dr. Brigitte Bidegaray (LJK)
Organisation Committee:
Khan-Chi Nguyen-Pham
Dr. Sergei Grudinin
Dr. Baussanne Isabelle
Dr. Y.S. Wong
Jobic Meven
P. Battistoni
J.M. Sache
Contact :
“Artificial Intelligence in Pharmaceutical Science”
June 12, 2025
Université Grenoble Alpes, Chimie Bâtiment A
Amphithéâtre Ouest, 421 Rue de la Chimie
38400 Saint-Martin d'Hères
Provisional planning:
08h30 - 09h00
Reception of participants / coffee
09h00 - 09h10
09h10 - 09h50
💊 Speaker 1: Bruno Correia (conference)
"Exploring the functional landscape of proteins by computational design"
09h50 – 10h20
Oral communication
10h20 – 10h45
Coffee / Tea break, Poster Sessions
10h45 - 11h25
💊 Speaker 2: Philippe Nghe
"Comparing the power of generative models of RNA with an experimental system" (conference)
11h25 – 11h55
Oral communication
12h00 – 13h30
Lunch Buffet / Poster Sessions
14h00 – 14h40
💊 Speaker 3: Elodie Laine (conference)
"Computational Prioritisation of Genetic Variants and Therapeutic Targets: Linking Protein Sequences, Dynamics, and Functions."
14h40 – 15h10
💊 Speaker 4: Maria Kadukova (conference)
"Can classical template-based protein-ligand docking challenge modern co-folding methods? An industrial perspective"
15h10 – 15h40
Pause café/thé / Session poster
15h40 - 16h10
Oral communications (2x15 min)
16h10 – 17h00
💊 Speaker 5: Julien Volle (conference)
"Drug Discovery and Preclinical EEG: A promising playground for AI"
Closing ceremony